Avinash Chandra at Arnolfini Gallery – Flyer

Series nameChandra in the 1960s

This red and brown flyer provides details for an exhibition of Avinash Chandra’s paintings and drawings at the Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol. The exhibition was held from 27 April to 29 May 1963, with a private view on Friday 26 April at 7.30pm. The flyer features a print of a painting by Chandra. The Arnolfini exhibit was one of many exhibitions of Chandra

Date of Creation / Publication1963
CreatorArnolfini Gallery
Associated Person/ OrganisationChandra, Avinash
Collection and Reference NumberAvinash Chandra Collection (GB 2661 AC)
Catalogue NumberAC/1960/4
CopyrightValerie Murray Chandra
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Valerie Murray Chandra
Series notesThe 1960s saw Avinash Chandra gain recognition as a 'powerful' artist by the artistic community in London, and receive much publicity in the UK media. He travelled and exhibited in art galleries across the UK, Europe and North America, was introduced to Queen Elizabeth, and had a BBC documentary made about his work. In 1965, Avinash Chandra became the first Indian-British artist to have work displayed at the Tate Gallery in London. He moved to New York in 1966 and returned to London in 1969. This grouping features several exhibition catalogues, flyers, photographs and drawings by Avinash Chandra.
Collection notesThe Avinash Chandra Collection is divided by decades and a grouping featuring selected slides. The 1950s to 1980s sections feature exhibition catalogues, photographs of paintings, drawings and murals and promotional material. The selections of 35mm slides depict Chandra's art work over the decades.