Making of Fire, 1964 – Photograph

Series nameSlides from the 1960s

This image depicts Avinash Chandra working on a colour glass mural commissioned by the Pilkington Brothers’ for their new office building in St Helens, Lancashire. The mural, entitled ‘Fire’, was made in Amsterdam, the only city in Europe where the manufacturing technique for glass murals had been perfected. The mural measured 300 x 1080 cms.

Date of Creation / Publication1964
CreatorChandra, Avinash
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberAvinash Chandra Collection (GB 2661 AC)
Catalogue NumberAC/SS/1960/11
CopyrightValerie Murray Chandra
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Valerie Murray Chandra
Series notesThe slides from the 1960s provide a glimpse into the artistic development of Avinash Chandra, in what has been said to be his most successful decade. The sixties brought Chandra highly acclaimed exhibitions in the UK, Europe and the USA, a BBC documentary and the opportunity to travel around the world showcasing his new work.
Collection notesThe Avinash Chandra Collection is divided by decades and a grouping featuring selected slides. The 1950s to 1980s sections feature exhibition catalogues, photographs of paintings, drawings and murals and promotional material. The selections of 35mm slides depict Chandra's art work over the decades.