The Waddington Galleries Catalogue – Catalogue

Series nameChandra in the 1950s

This catalogue was published by The Waddington Galleries, London in 1958. The catalogue contains information on a mixed group exhibition of oils, watercolours, sculptures and drawings. The house exhibition featured an oil painting on canvas by Avinash Chandra, entitled ‘The White House’. The exhibition ran from 17 April to 10 May 1958.

Date of Creation / Publication1958
CreatorThe Waddington Galleries
Associated Person/ OrganisationChandra, Avinash
Collection and Reference NumberAvinash Chandra Collection (GB 2661 AC)
Catalogue NumberAC/1950/9
CopyrightValerie Murray Chandra
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Valerie Murray Chandra
Series notesLandscape artist Avinash Chandra arrived in London in 1956. His early work in London was a process of self discovery, where he eliminated taught techniques from his art school in India,and removed strict perceptions of how his art should or should not be. This grouping includes exhibition catalogues from Delhi and London, slides of his work and several photographs of Chandra's work from the 1950s.
Collection notesThe Avinash Chandra Collection is divided by decades and a grouping featuring selected slides. The 1950s to 1980s sections feature exhibition catalogues, photographs of paintings, drawings and murals and promotional material. The selections of 35mm slides depict Chandra's art work over the decades.