Brij Phavan Singh – Press Release

Series namePress Releases

Horizon Gallery mounted an exhibition of art work by the Indian artist Brij Pavan Singh from 1 November to 5 December 1987. This photocopied press release details Singh’s artistic achievements and includes four quotes from critics of his work.

Date of Creation / Publication1987
CreatorHorizon Gallery
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference Number
Catalogue NumberHG/EXH/PR/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at the Panchayat Archive, University of Westminster and with Amal Ghosh.
Series notesThis grouping includes four press releases from the Horizon Gallery for Exhibitions held between 1987 and 1988.
Collection notesThe Horizon Gallery Collection consists of a wide range of digitised material including exhibition invitations, artist information cards, press releases, and exhibition catalogues.