Connections Press Notice – Document

Series nameConnections Exhibition

This is an A4 black and white press notice released by Horizon Gallery. It details information on the exhibition by artist Amal Ghosh and Dhirendra Nath Brahma. Entitled ‘Connections’, the exhibition was held from 12 August to 5 September 1987.

Date of Creation / Publication1987
CreatorHorizon Gallery
Associated Person/ OrganisationTambimuttu, Meary James Thurairajah
Collection and Reference NumberHorizon Gallery Collection (GB 2661 HG)
Catalogue NumberHG/EXH/CO/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at the Panchayat Archive, University of Westminster and with Amal Ghosh.
Series notesHorizon Gallery held an exhibition entitled Connections, which displayed the work of artists Amal Ghosh and Dhirendra Nath Brahma. Sri Dhirendra Nath Brahma was Amal Ghosh's first year teacher at the Government College of Arts and Crafts, Calcutta in 1954. The exhibition ran from 12 August to 5 September 1987. Amal Ghosh's work featured paintings from his 'Allegory Series' alongside Dhirendra Nath Brahma's rarely exhibited work of meditative paintings. We have digitised several informative items pertaining to this show.
Collection notesThe Horizon Gallery Collection consists of a wide range of digitised material including exhibition invitations, artist information cards, press releases, and exhibition catalogues.