Said Adrus/Louise Block – Information Card

Series nameExhibition Cards

Painter, Said Adrus and Ceramist, Louise Block held a two-person show at the Horizon Gallery from 3 August to 3 September 1988. This double-sided invitation card features an image of a ceramic piece by Louise Block and an image of an oil painting by Said Adrus. The information card also includes a list highlighting the artist’s previous projects and exhibitions, and a paragraph describing the artist’s work, written by Adrus and Block respectively.

Date of Creation / Publication1988
CreatorHorizon Gallery
Associated Person/ OrganisationTambimuttu, Meary James Thurairajah; Adrus, Said
Collection and Reference NumberHorizon Gallery Collection (GB 2661 HG)
Catalogue NumberHG/EXH/CA/5
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at the Panchayat Archive, University of Westminster and with Amal Ghosh.
Series notesThis file features a collection of artist information cards and invitations produced for individual or group exhibitions held at the Horizon Gallery between 1987 and 1991. We have also included artist information cards for the exhibitions, which toured to the Nottingham Playhouse, which demonstrate Horizon Gallery's touring exhibitions policy.
Collection notesThe Horizon Gallery Collection consists of a wide range of digitised material including exhibition invitations, artist information cards, press releases, and exhibition catalogues.