From the Wood – Catalogue

Series nameExhibitions & Catalogues

From the Wood’ was an exhibition held at Bluecoat Arts Centre from 22 July – 26 August 1985. It was organised by Liverpool John Moores University as part of the Sculpture Fellowship which Juginder Lamba was awarded in 1994 – 1995. The fellowship was funded by the Henry Moore Foundation. The complete ‘From the Wood’ catalogue has been digitised and includes an introduction piece by Jagjit Chuhan, lecturer in charge of initiating Multicultural Programmes at the School of Design and Visual Arts, Liverpool John Moores University. It also includes an essay on the work of Juginder Lamba entitled “Gestation” by Jacques Rangasamy, a sculptor and lecturer at University College Salford. The essay is interspersed with thirteen images of Lamba’s sculptures produced between 1984 and 1995.

Date of Creation / Publication1985
CreatorBluecoat Arts Centre
Associated Person/ OrganisationLamba, Juginder
Collection and Reference NumberJuginder Lamba Collection (GB 2661 JL)
Catalogue NumberJL/EXH/10
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Juginder Lamba
Series notesThis grouping features invitation cards, excerpts from books and information leaflets, as well as highly informative sections and whole catalogues relating to Juginder Lama
Collection notesJuginder Lamba was born in Nairobi in January 1948.