Mother and Child, 1980 – Scuplture

Series nameSelected Slides

This sculpture was made using a piece of oak driftwood found in 1976. The bottom half of the wood was charred and separated and to Juginder Lamba, it seemed as if there were already two arms acting as bridges which spanned the wood. This ‘Mother and Child’ sculpture measures 38 cm.

Date of Creation / Publication1980
CreatorLamba, Juginder
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberJuginder Lamba Collection (GB 2661 JL)
Catalogue NumberJL/SLD/8
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Juginder Lamba
Series notesThis grouping features twenty-three individually selected slides depicting Juginder Lamba
Collection notesJuginder Lamba was born in Nairobi in January 1948.