Pod 1 – Phase 1, 1984 – Scuplture

Series nameSelected Slides

Juginder Lamba’s series of ‘Pods’sculptures comprised of eight peices developed over fifteen months. This particular theme grew out of his earlier sculptures sculptures entitled ‘Mother and Child’. In the ‘From The Wood’ catalogue (1995), Jacques Rangasamy writes: “…the pod…is an icon of power, an amalgam of metaphorical images and implications just as the structures of myths themselves…the pure potential of life in darkness of the pod alternates with manifested life in the sun. Such implications promise rich expressive possibilities that Lamba has begun to exploit in earnest.” The wood used to create ‘Pod 1- Phase 1’ are bog oak and mahogany. The sculpture measures 65x56x34 cm.

Date of Creation / Publication1984
CreatorLamba, Juginder
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberJuginder Lamba Collection (GB 2661 JL)
Catalogue NumberJL/SLD/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Juginder Lamba
Series notesThis grouping features twenty-three individually selected slides depicting Juginder Lamba
Collection notesJuginder Lamba was born in Nairobi in January 1948.