Trophies of Empire – Catalogue

Series nameExhibitions & Catalogues

The catalogue for ‘Trophies of Empire’ was published in 1994, two years after the fifteen commissions were awarded, and a year after the ‘Trophies of Empire’ exhibitions ended in Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull. The digitised images from this catalogue feature the front cover, an introduction to the ‘Trophies of Empire’ concept written Bryan Biggs, the then Director of Bluecoat Gallery in 1993, and the text and image dedicated to Juginder Lamba’s contribution to the project entitled ‘The Cry’. The sculpture was first showcased in Hull, in the garden at Wilberforce House – the original home of, and now a museum devoted to, William Wilberforce MP, the so-called “architect of abolition” – and then in the Bluecoat Gallery’s garden. ‘The Cry’ sculpture was subsequently shown on the quayside at the opening of Liverpool’s Transatlantic Slavery Museum.

Date of Creation / Publication1994
CreatorBluecoat Gallery
Associated Person/ OrganisationLamba, Juginder
Collection and Reference NumberJuginder Lamba Collection (GB 2661 JL)
Catalogue NumberJL/EXH/9
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Juginder Lamba
Series notesThis grouping features invitation cards, excerpts from books and information leaflets, as well as highly informative sections and whole catalogues relating to Juginder Lama
Collection notesJuginder Lamba was born in Nairobi in January 1948. Raised in a city under British colonial rule, Lamba