Celebration – Artwork

Series nameSaleem Arif Quadri: 1990s

Oil on muslin and wood, 8ft

Date of Creation / Publication1992-1993
CreatorSaleem Arif Quadri
Associated Person/ OrganisationSaleem Arif Quadri
Collection and Reference NumberSaleem Arif Quadri collection (GB 2661 SQ)
Catalogue NumberSQ/ART/1990/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Saleem Arif Quadri
Series notesFrom the 1990s, Saleem's paintings have been on a versatile wood support, which stands half an inch away from the wall. This device articulates and enhances my new concepts of "volumetric" and of "pregnant space", as the paintings appear to float away from the wall surface, adding a third dimension to his pictorial language.
Collection notesThe Saleem Arif Quadri collection contains digital images of his artworks, including paintings, ceramics and manuscript books from the late 1950s to the present day, as well as from several exhibition catalogues. The materials also include items from his curatorial work.