Dante Inferno Series 1 – Photograph

Series nameSaleem Arif Quadri: 1980s

Photograph, 29 cm x 40 cm, of studio installation of Saleem’s first solo exhibition at Spectral Arts Workshops, Newcastle.

Date of Creation / Publication1982
CreatorSaleem Arif Quadri
Associated Person/ OrganisationSaleem Arif Quadri
Collection and Reference NumberSaleem Arif Quadri collection (GB 2661 SQ)
Catalogue NumberSQ/IMG/1980/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Saleem Arif Quadri
Series notesSaleem's interest in artists' books dates back to 1974, when he began work on the Inferno of Dante's 'The Divine Comedy', during which he made 5 books (each measuring 76cm x 112cm when laid open, in an edition of 4; plus one Artist's Proof) containing six hand-coloured etchings and 50 manuscript pages.
Collection notesThe Saleem Arif Quadri collection contains digital images of his artworks, including paintings, ceramics and manuscript books from the late 1950s to the present day, as well as from several exhibition catalogues. The materials also include items from his curatorial work.