Space Lattice – Artwork

Series nameSaleem Arif Quadri: 1970s

Pen and colour ink on paper, 25cm x 38cm

Date of Creation / Publication1970
CreatorSaleem Arif Quadri
Associated Person/ OrganisationSaleem Arif Quadri
Collection and Reference NumberSaleem Arif Quadri collection (GB 2661 SQ)
Catalogue NumberSQ/ART/1970/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Saleem Arif Quadri
Series notesSyed Saleem Arif Quadri was born in Hyderabad, India and arrived in Britain aged seventeen when his family emigrated in the 1960s. He studied at Birmingham School of Art and then the Royal College in London. On graduating in 1975, he returned to India to rediscover the country he had known as a child. In the following years he travelled widely in North Africa, Europe and the Asian sub-continent, his work fusing and assimilating the influences of Eastern and Western cultures, including his own Indian and Islamic background. He completed his first sculpture in 1969 but it was 'Space Lattice' which won him the 'Young Sculptor of the Year Award' in 1971.
Collection notesThe Saleem Arif Quadri collection contains digital images of his artworks, including paintings, ceramics and manuscript books from the late 1950s to the present day, as well as from several exhibition catalogues. The materials also include items from his curatorial work.