Untitled – Photograph 5

Series nameDisability Series

This is a photograph of a placard with the slogan “Piss on Pity”. It was taken by Samena Rana at an anti-telethon rally in 1992.

Date of Creation / PublicationUnknown
CreatorRana, Samena
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberSamena Rana (GB 2661 SR)
Catalogue NumberSR/DS/5
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at the Panchayat Archive, University of Westminster.
Series notesSamena Rana captured various facets of the disability movement on camera such as community based workshops and anti-telethon rallies. She documented these events partly out of her own interest and through commissions from a number of disability groups.

A lot of her artistic works emerged from this documentation process. One such series of photographs is the Reflections Series, where she uses the wheelchair as a prop or mirror through which the idea of role reversal is explored with the help of friends. The photographs also raise issues around notions of beauty and disability and invite viewers to reassess their preconceptions of disability.
Collection notesThe Samena Rana collection includes material from her main bodies of photographic work: the 'Flow of Water Series', the 'Arrangement Series', the 'Disability Series' and other biographical material. The digitised items include mainly colour and black and white photographs.
Dorney, Camille, 'Tribute to Samena Rana' in Third Text. No 20. Autumn 1992 (pp114)