Akademi Profile – Flyer

Series namePresent

This colourful flyer was produced in 1997 and provides summaries of Akademi’s work in each of its departments; Community, Education, Resources, Advice and Information. The background imagery portrays Akademi’s dance activities with children. The flyer also details the organisation’s contact details and lists its funders and supporters.

Date of Creation / Publication1997
Associated Person/ OrganisationRajkumar, Tara
Collection and Reference NumberAkademi Collection (GB 2661 AK)
Catalogue NumberAK/PRE/1b
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Akademi.
Series notesAkademi: South Asian Dance, previously known as The Academy of Indian Dance, adopted its new name in the early 1990s, a turning point for the development of the organisation and the refocusing of its aims.
Collection notesThe digitised material from the Akademi: South Asian Dance Collection consists of documents and images from the establishment of the company, when it was called the Academy of Indian Dance up to the present time. Also included are flyers, photographs and education material pertaining to various productions, workhshops and seminars.