Article in Sruti – Magazine

Series nameRam Gopal: 1970 - 2000

This three-page article appeared in the April 2000 issue of ‘Sruti’, a monthly dance and music journal published in India. The front of the magazine features an image of Ram Gopal taken a few years before he passed away. The article is written by Sunil Kothari, an Indian dance historian, and focuses on his visit to London to interview Ram Gopal in September 1999. It was two months after Gopal received his OBE from Queen Elizabeth II and the article features a photograph of Ram Gopal with his OBE, taken by Sunil Kothari.

Date of Creation / Publication2000
CreatorSruti Magazine
Associated Person/ OrganisationGopal, Ram
Collection and Reference NumberRam Gopal Collection (GB 2661 RGL)
Catalogue NumberRGL/DEC/1970/3
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Ann David, academic researcher and friend of Ram Gopal, and with Pam Cullen, Executor of the Ram Gopal Estate.
Series notesThis grouping features a magazine article, and photographs taken in the mid 1990s.
Collection notesThe digitised material in the Ram Gopal Collection dates back to 1938 and includes black and white as well as colour photographs, several flyers and extracts from books including Ram Gopal's autobiography. The items also include newspaper articles, images of dance costumes, slides, advertisements and performance programmes.