Ram Gopal in various poses, depicting various “Mudras” – Contact sheet

Series nameRam Gopal: 1950s

A black and white contact sheet featuring Ram Gopal in various poses, depicting various “Mudras”.

Date of Creation / Publication1954
CreatorJohn Lindguist
Associated Person/ OrganisationGopal, Ram
LocationBoston, Mass, USA
Collection and Reference NumberRam Gopal Collection (GB 2661 RGL)
Catalogue NumberRGL/IMG/1954/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Ann David, academic researcher and friend of Ram Gopal, and with Pam Cullen, Executor of the Ram Gopal Estate.
Series notesThis is part of a series of photographs mainly of Ram Gopal dancing, but also showing him rehearsing and in social situations. Some photpgraphs were taken for publicity purposes, and are marked to show where the image should be manipulated. Includes contact sheets. Most are black and white, but there are also a few colour pictures.
Collection notesThe digitised material in the Ram Gopal Collection dates back to 1938 and includes black and white as well as colour photographs, several flyers and extracts from books including Ram Gopal's autobiography. The items also include newspaper articles, images of dance costumes, slides, advertisements and performance programmes.