The Ananda Shankar Experience with State of Bengal – Photograph

Series nameMusic

This landscape colour photograph features classical and fusion musician Ananda Shankar, who is seen holding a sitar, and Sam Zaman from the Asian underground band, State of Bengal. The two artists collaborated for a concert tour organised by Sampad in association with ‘mac’ Birmingham.

Date of Creation / Publication1998
Associated Person/ OrganisationRay, Piali
Collection and Reference NumberSampad Collection (GB 2661 SA)
Catalogue NumberSA/MU/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Sampad
Series notesMusic plays an important role in Sampad's work. The organisation has initiated and developed a range of participatory community music projects in education and youth settings. It aims to produce and promote new music; commission new music projects; and create links and offer new opportunities to upcoming artists. Through its partnerships with other institutions, Sampad also provides training and professional development for musicians in education and community projects.
Collection notesSampad was founded in 1990, under the directorship of Piali Ray OBE. The arts organisation was established to strengthen the infrastructure of South Asian arts in the West Midlands and Birmingham region. Due to Director Piali Ray's background as a dancer, this south Asian arts development agency has retained its strengths in dance, however its current remit is much wider, covering cross art forms of music, theatre, crafts and literature within education and community environments.