Satanic Verses Statement – Document

Series nameAdministration and Outreach

The Asian Women Writers Collective published this letter stating their position with regard to the “Rushdie affair”. In 1989, Salman Rushdie’s novel ‘Satanic Verses’ was banned by the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini and a ‘fatwa’ was issued against Rushdie on the grounds that his book was blasphemous under Islamic law.

Date of Creation / Publication1989
CreatorAsian Women Writers Collective
Associated Person/ OrganisationRandhawa, Ravinder; Khomeini, Ayatullah
Collection and Reference NumberAsian Women Writers Collective (AWWC) (GB 2661 AWWC)
Catalogue NumberAWWC/AD3
CopyrightAsian Women Writers Collective/ individual writer / publisher
Access to originalsThe originals are located in the SALIDAA archive.
Series notesThe Administrative and Outreach material includes some of the Asian Women Writers Collective's early promotional material such membership information, letters, statements, flyers and other administrative information.
Collection notesThe materials from the Asian Women Writers Collective archives consist of two categories: items which belong to publications such as short stories, poems and writings from workshops and administrative and outreach material such as membership information, correspondence and information about events hosted by the organisation.