British Library Loan Ticket

Series nameReef

This green, postcard-sized loan ticket is for a book issued to Romesh Gunesekera from the British Library Science Reference and Information Service, in September 1993. The book, entitled “Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium”, written by the University of The Philippines, was used by Gunesekera to conduct research about coral reefs for his novel ‘Reef’.

Date of Creation / Publication1993
CreatorBritish Library
Associated Person/ OrganisationGunesekera, Romesh
Collection and Reference NumberRomesh Gunesekera Collection (GB 2661 RG)
Catalogue NumberRG/SN/RF/3
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Romesh Gunesekera
Series notesRomesh Gunesekera's Reef is a love story set in Sri Lanka. It is told by an eleven year old Triton, who goes to work as a houseboy to Mister Salgado. This second novel by Gunesekera was short listed for both the Booker Prize and the Guardian Fiction Prize in 1994, and was the winner of the Yorkshire Post Best First Work. In 1997, it was awarded a Premio Mondello in Italy. Digitised material in this file includes an extract of the novel, notes pertaining to research conducted by the author, and a draft manuscript.

Collection notesThe Romesh Gunesekera Collection contains digital extracts of his short stories and novels, as well as several poems. The material also includes photographs, handwritten detailed research notes, and annotated manuscripts.