Heaven’s Edge – Draft Manuscript

Series nameHeaven's Edge

This is an extract of a draft manuscript of ‘Heaven’s Edge’

Date of Creation / Publication2000
CreatorGunesekera, Romesh
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberRomesh Gunesekera Collection (GB 2661 RG)
Catalogue NumberRG/SN/HE/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Romesh Gunesekera
Series notesHeaven's Edge was published in 2002, and is Romesh Gunesekera's third novel. It is both an adventure and a love story and is set on a paradise island. Marc, the protagonist, leaves London to embark on a journey to this island where his grandfather was born, and where his father's plane was shot down. However, the idyllic island is now ravaged and despoiled by war. On the island, Marc falls in love with Uva who mysteriously disappears, so he embarks on a journey to find her. The digitised items in this file include an extract of a draft manuscript of Heaven's Edge and a promotional postcard.

Collection notesThe Romesh Gunesekera Collection contains digital extracts of his short stories and novels, as well as several poems. The material also includes photographs, handwritten detailed research notes, and annotated manuscripts.