Aditi and the Thames Dragon – Book

Series nameChildren's Books

Suniti Namjoshi’s second children’s book is entitled ‘Aditi and the Thames Dragon’ and was published in Chennai, India, by Tulika Press in 2002. Namjoshi wrote this book after the children of Blue Gate Fields Junior School in London had read ‘Aditi and the One-Eyed Monkey’as part of a story telling session in Tower Hamlets, and had wanted Aditi and her friends to come to London. The nine digitised images in this item depict the first few pages of chapter five.

Date of Creation / Publication2002
CreatorNamjoshi, Suniti
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberSuniti Namjoshi Collection (GB 2661 SN)
Catalogue NumberSN/CB/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Suniti Namjoshi and at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Series notesTo date, Suniti Namjoshi has published three books for children. Aditi and the One-Eyed Monkey (Chennai, India, Tulika Press, 2000), Aditi and the Thames Dragon, (Chennai, India, Tulika Press, 2002) and Aditi and the Marine Sage (Chennai, India, Tulika Press, 2004). Her forthcoming Aditi and the Techno Sage is set on a lake in Canada. This grouping contains images of the first two publications.
Collection notesThe digitised material in the Suniti Namjoshi Collection features extracts of several published books, including poetry novels and fables. It also includes black and white family photographs and pencil drawings of (unused) illustrations for her novel 'The Conversations of Cow', as well as an extract of an interview transcript.