Illustration of Suniti and Badhravati – Image

Series nameProse: The Conversations of Cow

This illustration by Mary Meigs, American feminist author and artist (1917- 2002) is similar to the previous image. It depicts the scene from Suniti Namjoshi’s fable when Bhadravati the Cow dreams she is back in India playing with chipmunks and has a poodle called Suzanne. The two illustrations differ in shading, focus and the expressions of the poodle and the woman.

Date of Creation / Publication1985
CreatorMeigs, Mary
Associated Person/ OrganisationNamjoshi, Suniti
Collection and Reference NumberSuniti Namjoshi Collection (GB 2661 SN)
Catalogue NumberSN/PR/CC/5
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Suniti Namjoshi and at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Series notesThe digital material in this file relates to Suniti Namjoshi's satirical fable, The Conversations of Cow (The Women's Press Limited, 1985). The images include an extract from the book, a hand-written transcript and twelve drawings, intended as illustrations, by Mary Meigs.
Collection notesThe digitised material in the Suniti Namjoshi Collection features extracts of several published books, including poetry novels and fables. It also includes black and white family photographs and pencil drawings of (unused) illustrations for her novel 'The Conversations of Cow', as well as an extract of an interview transcript.