Forbidden Kiss: The Music of S.D. Burman – CD Sleeve

Series nameRecordings: Forbidden Kiss

The following images belong to the CD sleeve of Najma Akhtar’s album ‘Forbidden Kiss: The Music of S.D. Burman’. Akhtar collaborated on the album, which is a tribute to pioneer Hindi film composer S.D. Burman, with American musician Chris Rael, of the band Church of Betty. Akhtar and Rael remade hit songs from Hindi films such as ‘Guide’ and ‘Jewel Thief’ with contemporary western interpretations.

Date of Creation / Publication1996
CreatorShanachie Records
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberNajma Akhtar (GB 2661 NA)
Catalogue NumberNA/REC/FK/1
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Najma Akhtar
Series notesNajma Akhtar has released six albums to date, including: Ghazals by Najma in 1988,Qareeb in 1989,Atish in 1990,Pukar in 1992,Forbidden Kiss: the Songs of S.D. Burman in 1996,and her latest release, Vivid in 2002. The digitised items include a selection of CD, tape and record sleeves, press releases and photographs.
Collection notesThe Najma Akhtar collection consists of material relating to her performances such as flyers, concert programmes, photographs and paraphernalia such as CD, tape and record sleeves, press releases and other promotional items.