Qareeb – CD Sleeve

Series nameRecordings: Qareeb

The following images belong to the CD sleeve of Najma Akhtar’s album ‘Qareeb’ (Close), which was released in 1987 by Triple Earth Music. The back sleevenote provides information about the history and structure of ghazals which have between five to eighteen couplets. Ghazals always begin with rhyming couplets and the opening couplet is always repeated at the end of each successive verse (AA BA CA DA etc).

Date of Creation / Publication1987
CreatorTriple Earth Music
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberNajma Akhtar (GB 2661 NA)
Catalogue NumberNA/REC/QA/1
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Najma Akhtar
Series notesNajma Akhtar's second album, Qareeb (Close) was released in 1987 on the Triple Earth label. The album explored ghazals with subtle jazz instrumentation in addition to the traditonal line up of Indian classical instruments such as tabla and sarangi to create a unique brand of popular music. Akhtar became interested in ghazals while studying Urdu in school and favoured poets such as Daag Dehlvi, Ahmed Faraz and Qateel Shafai. Akhtar wrote the music for all the songs on Qareeb which are based on Urdu poems.
Collection notesThe Najma Akhtar collection consists of material relating to her performances such as flyers, concert programmes, photographs and paraphernalia such as CD, tape and record sleeves, press releases and other promotional items.