Vivid – CD Sleeve

Series nameRecordings: Vivid

The following images belong to the CD sleeve of Najma Akhtar’s latest album, ‘Vivid’, which was a musical collaboration with film composer, Richard Grassby-Lewis, who also designed the cover of the CD. Released in 2002, the album combines styles ranging from electronic music to Arabic, Indian and Western classical rhythms.

Date of Creation / Publication2002
Creator2nd Sight Records
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberNajma Akhtar (GB 2661 NA)
Catalogue NumberNA/REC/VI/1
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Najma Akhtar
Series notesAkhtar's latest album, Vivid, is a collaborative effort with film composer Richard Grassby-Lewis. Released in 2002, the album differs from her previous styles of combining ghazals with jazz arrangements and is more studio based. Described as 'Indian Gothic',the album blends electronic music styles such as drum and bass and sampling, Arabic and Indian music and Western classical music with Akhtar's lyrics which are sung both in English and Urdu.
Collection notesThe Najma Akhtar collection consists of material relating to her performances such as flyers, concert programmes, photographs and paraphernalia such as CD, tape and record sleeves, press releases and other promotional items.