Wild Stylz – CD sleeve – Album Art

Series nameProphets Of Da City (PDC)

Wild Stylz’was released as a single on Nation Records in 1995. It was taken from Prophets of Da City’s 1995 album ‘Universal Soljaz’, released on Nation Records in the UK and Europe. The CD contains three remixes of ‘Wild Stylz’ as well as a track entitiled ‘In My Head’. The CD sleeve is plain black with the publishing details printed in white text.

Date of Creation / Publication1995
CreatorNation Records
Associated Person/ OrganisationBeggars Banquet
Collection and Reference NumberNation Records Collection (GB 2661 NR)
Catalogue NumberNR/OB/PD/3
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at Nation Records Limited
Series notesIn keeping with their multicultural global perspective, Nation Records signed South Africa's seven-man, now premier, hip-hop group, Prophets of Da City ,in 1995. Born under apartheid rule in the townships of Cape Town,the group's experiences of growing up in a segregated society are at the forefront of their lyrics. Early in their career, Prophets Of Da City (PDC) played from the roof tops of Cape Towns' townships, giving angry youth a chance to be heard, speaking out against the hated laws of apartheid and oppression. Later on, the group was instrumental in establishing the South African Hip Hop Alliance - a support network assisting in educating children of the Cape Town townships about drugs, democracies and hip hop skills. Thriving on a mix of soul, funk, mbaqanga (dance music) and boermusiek (Afrikaaner folk music) with combative lyrics, were Ready D, a champion DJ, MC Shaheen and national dance champion, Ramone. In May 1994, PDC performed at Nelson Mandela's historic inauguration ceremony and their single release of that year, 'Never Again', was New Musical Express' Single of the Week and featured on MTV. The album 'Universal Soljaz', was released on Nation Records in 1995 and was their UK debut. PDC have consequently released six albums in South Africa and are currently signed to the independent record label Ghetto Ruff.
Collection notesThe material from the Nation Records collection consists of various CD covers, press releases, promotional photography, lyrics and flyers from twelve of the bands signed to the record label since 1989.