The Very Best Bollywood Songs Volume 2

Series name The Very Best Bollywood Songs Volume 3

The Very Best Bollywood Songs Volume 2′ album was released on Outcaste Records in January 2002 and is compiled by founder of Outcaste Records, Shabs Jobanputra and Mandeep Gill. This eight page, full colour CD sleeve includes an informative overview of the evolution of Indian film soundtracks, written by John Lewis, jazz and world music editor of Time Out magazine London. The album features fifteen popular tracks taken from recent Bollywood hit films such as ‘Lagaan’ (Aamir Khan Productions, 2001), as well as classics such as ‘Sholay’ (1975). The music highlights the diverse styles of music, including rock, funk, Latin, disco and Western classical sources, used in Indian film music.

Date of Creation / Publication2002
CreatorOutcaste Records; Jobanputra, Shabs
Associated Person/ Organisation
Collection and Reference NumberOutcaste Records Collection (GB 2661 OC)
Catalogue NumberOC/COM/VB/2
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals are located at Outcaste Records
Series notes The digital items in this file comprise of a press release and a full colour CD album sleeve.
The Outcaste Records Collection features digital items such as press releases, flyers and CD sleeves of artist albums and diverse musical compilations, all of which include detailed linear notes and messages from artists and the founder of Outcaste Records, Shabs Jobanputra.
Collection notesA major label in world music, Outcaste Records was formed in 1995 by Shabs Jobanputra and Paul Franklyn. Based in London, the record label endeavours to maintain a creative space for artists of world music and produce music for and by young British Asians that reflect their South Asian and British cultural traditions. Outcaste are also dedicated to making this music increasingly accessible and appreciated to mainstream audiences.