Indian Sarangi Recitals by Ustad Sabri Khan – CD Sleeve

Series nameRecordings

This album, entitled ‘Indian Sarangi Recitals’, was released in 2000 on Arc Music. The album is a live performance recording of Ustad Sabri Khan on the sarangi and Sarvar Sabri (his son) providing accompaniment on the tablas. The six digital images from the album feature an image of Sabri Khan on the cover and include background information on Indian classical music, biographical details about Sabri Khan and Sarvar Sabri, as well as explanations of the various classical rhythms used on the album.

Date of Creation / Publication2000
CreatorKhan, Sabri
Associated Person/ OrganisationSabri, Sarvar; ARC Music
Collection and Reference NumberSarvar Sabri Collection (GB 2661 SS)
Catalogue NumberSS/REC/4
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Sarvar Sabri.
Series notesIn this grouping, a selection of Sarvar Sabri’s solo and collaborative CD album sleeves has been digitised. Pages feature background information on the artistes as well as the musical traditions and instruments performed on the CD.
Collection notesThe digital material in the Sarvar Sabri Collection features colour and black and white photographs, performances flyers, CD album sleeves, posters as well as newspaper and magazine articles. In addition, items relating to performances and recordings by the Sabri Ensemble are also included.