Sabri Ensemble Document

Series nameSabri Ensemble

This three-page A4 document presents details about the members of the musical ensemble established by Sarvar Sabri, the Sabri Ensemble. Short biographical details are provided for Alvin Davis, Lisa Mallet, Mark Lockett, Kamal Sabri, Sarvar Sabri, Trevor Lines and Jozeph Remeny. The document was created in 1999 for the release for the ensemble’s album, ‘Dhin-Na’.

Date of Creation / Publication1999
CreatorSabri Ensemble
Associated Person/ OrganisationSabri, Sarvar
Collection and Reference NumberSarvar Sabri Collection (GB 2661 SS)
Catalogue NumberSS/SE/1
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals belong to Sarvar Sabri.
Series notesThe digital items in this grouping relate to the performances of the Birmingham-based Sabri Ensemble, founded by Sarvar Sabri. The material features CD album sleeves released between 1993 and 2000.
Collection notesThe digital material in the Sarvar Sabri Collection features colour and black and white photographs, performances flyers, CD album sleeves, posters as well as newspaper and magazine articles. In addition, items relating to performances and recordings by the Sabri Ensemble are also included.