Theatre Workshops for Asian Women – Flyer

Series nameWorkshops

This is a flyer for a workshop sponsored by Kali Theatre Company. In May 1994, Kali Theatre held workshops for Asian women exploring three strands: theatre writing, drama skills and stage management. Workshops were led by theatre professionals with Rukhsana Ahmad co-ordinating the theatre writing module, Rita Wolf, the drama skills module and Crin Claxton, the stage management course. The courses were offered for women with some experience of acting, writing and productions skills and took place at the Oval house in London.

Date of Creation / Publication1994
CreatorKali Theatre Company
Associated Person/ OrganisationWolf, Rita
Collection and Reference NumberKali Theatre Company (GB 2661 KT)
Catalogue NumberKT/WO/1
Access to originalsThe originals are located at Kali Theatre Company.
Series notesIn addition to commissioning new writing by Asian women, Kali Theatre Company also runs regular workshops for women who come from diverse writing backgrounds. Many of the works that emerge from the workshops are showcased in rehearsed readings.

Kali also holds regular competitions and has close links with other theatres and organisations such as Watermans Arts Centre. In October 2002, Kali Futures showcased a programme of rehearsed readings of four new plays by Asian women, all of whom have been supported through awards and dramaturgical input. In 2003, they will be offering training for writers interested in learning workshop skills, called Training the Trainers.

Kali Theatre is actively involved in outreach programmes such as Meri Kahani, Meri Duniya (My Story, My World), an event which featured script-held readings of plays by women from the Southall Black Sisters (SBS), a support group for survivors of domestic violence. Meri Kahani, Meri Duniya emerged from a series of drama and creativity workshops called Meri Kahani (My Story) which was organised by Kali Theatre and the SBS in summer 2002. In these workshops, participants wrote short plays with guidance and support from trained professionals.

Kali Theatre continues to offer new workshops, lectures, and competitions on a regular basis.
Collection notesThe Kali Theatre Company collection consists of digitised material which fall into two categories: items which relate to Kali Theatre’s productions, such as programmes, flyers and photographs and material which provides information about workshops and outreach programmes.