Asian Voices – Photograph

Series nameProductions: Asian Voices

This black and white photograph features actors Rezaul Kabir, Rachel Chatterjee and John-Lloyd Stephenson in a scene from Mán Melá ‘s 1993-1994 production ‘Asian Voices’. The play included seven short plays, one of which is illustrated by this photograph. This scene is from a short play entitled ‘Heroine’ about the 1976 Grunswick strike by Asian workers, led by Jeyaben Desai.

Date of Creation / Publication1993
CreatorWhitfield, John
Associated Person/ OrganisationRai, Dominic; Mán Melá Theatre Company
Collection and Reference NumberMán Melá Theatre Company Collection (GB 2661 MM)
Catalogue NumberMM/PRO/AV/3
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals are located at SADAA
Series notesIn 1993, Mán Melá’s artistic director, Dominic Rai, commenced work on Asian Voices, its first production, which came to the stage in 1994. It featured seven significant drama pieces which collectively weaved together stories from British South Asian history. The cast involved were Rezaul Kabir, Rachel Chaterjee, John-Lloyd Stephenson, Kanan Bala Kapur, Aysen Yilmaz, Beanie and Dominc Rai. The material in this file includes photographs, programmes and an article on the production by writer Tanika Gupta.
Collection notesThe Mán Melá Theatre Company Collection consists of digitised material pertaining to Mán Melá’s productions and its audience and project development work since 1993. The items include production and workshop photographs, flyers and information-based programmes.