Salaam Afghanistan – Photograph with three pupils

Series nameProject Development

Salaam Afghanistan’ is a project currently under development by Mán Melá . The project is inspired by the real life stories celebrating the courage of Afghan children and young adults under the Taliban rule. It includes performances based on interviews with young refugees in London as well as published accounts and live music. Mán Melá ‘s artistic director Dominic Rai, led thematic workshops for schools in Reading, and worked with several partners including 21 South Street Arts Centre, Eastside Young Writers and Performers Group and the Lewisham Education Professional Development Centre.

This image features three pupils participating in workshops from the ‘Salaam Afghanistan’ project. The pupils are in discussion with Sunday Express journalist Yvonne Ridley at a writing workshop, where they discussed the British media’s reporting of events in Afghanistan. The workshop was held at Catford Girls School in 2003.

Date of Creation / Publication2003
CreatorMán Melá Theatre Company
Associated Person/ OrganisationRai, Dominic
Collection and Reference NumberMán Melá Theatre Company Collection (GB 2661 MM)
Catalogue NumberMM/PD/16
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or the associated person or organisation where applicable.
Access to originalsThe originals are located at SADAA
Series notesThe digitised material in this section includes photographs, extracts of scripts, flyers and posters from selected project development activities led by Mán Melá from1994 to 2003.
Collection notesThe Mán Melá Theatre Company Collection consists of digitised material pertaining to Mán Melá’s productions and its audience and project development work since 1993. The items include production and workshop photographs, flyers and information-based programmes.