Anya Patel/Caroline Jariwala – Invitation

Series nameExhibition Invitations

This invitation card is for a two-person exhibition held at the Horizon Gallery from 28 January to 22 February 1991. The artists were Anya Patel and Caroline Jariwala. The chief guest at this private view was Sukhdev Sharma, then the Director of the Public Affairs Division at the Commission of Racial Equality.

Date of Creation / Publication1991
CreatorHorizon Gallery
Associated Person/ OrganisationTambimuttu, Meary James Thurairajah
Collection and Reference NumberHorizon Gallery Collection (GB 2661 HG)
Catalogue NumberHG/EXH/IN/6
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThe originals are located at the Panchayat Archive, University of Westminster and with Amal Ghosh.
Series notesWe have digitised a selection of invitation cards from various one-person, two-person and group exhibitions held at the Horizon Gallery between 1987 and 1991.The detail on the invitation cards include a date for the private view of the exhibition, and state the name of a chief guest present at the opening of the exhibition.
Collection notesThe Horizon Gallery Collection consists of a wide range of digitised material including exhibition invitations, artist information cards, press releases, and exhibition catalogues.