Last Minute Productions – Flyer

Series nameRecordings: Pukar - Calling You

This flyer adevrtises Najma Akhtar’s company Last Minute Productions, which she started in 1992. Akhtar released her fourth album, ‘Pukar’, on this label.

Date of Creation / Publication1992
CreatorLast Minute Productions
Associated Person/ OrganisationAkhtar, Najma
Collection and Reference NumberNajma Akhtar (GB 2661 NA)
Catalogue NumberNA/REC/PU/3
Access to originalsThe originals are located with Najma Akhtar
Series notesIn 1992, Akhtar started her own production company, Last Minute Productions ,to produce and promote her third album, Pukar. Pukar experimented with Persian, Indian and African instruments such as the shenai, oud and the African marimba and fused Indian music with light jazz instruments such as the saxophone, bass guitar, violin and keyboards. The title track 'Pukar' was released in America but it was in Japan that it gained commercial success. The song was used for a yearlong television commercial for Fuji Bank. Pukar was re-released in 1998 on Miles Copeland's label, Mondo Melodia.
Collection notesThe Najma Akhtar collection consists of material relating to her performances such as flyers, concert programmes, photographs and paraphernalia such as CD, tape and record sleeves, press releases and other promotional items.