Nine Nights, original Leicester production – Photograph 3

Series nameVayu Naidu: 1990s

This 5×7 colour photograph features Vayu Naidu holding a lamp.

Date of Creation / Publication1999
CreatorAlan Wood
Associated Person/ OrganisationVayu Naidu Company
Collection and Reference NumberVayu Naidu Collection (GB 2661 VN)
Catalogue NumberVN/IMG/1999/3
CopyrightThe Creator and/ or associated person or organisation where applicable
Access to originalsThese were part of a collection donated by Vayu Naidu in May 2016. The original materials can be accessed in the Special Collections at Brunel University Library.
Series notesThis is part of a collection of photographs featuring Vayu Naidu performing in the 'Nine Nights' original Leicester production in 1999.
Collection notesThe digitised material in the Vayu Naidu Collection dates covers the period from 1980 to 2010 and includes black and white as well as colour photographs, several flyers, leaflets and booklets featuring the Vayu Naidu Company. The items also include several books as well as newspaper articles, CDs, DVDs and performance programmes.